2023-09-16 17:02:27 编辑:无 浏览:(105次)
在n年之前,当我还是一只青涩的考鸭,当时命运待我不薄,在我还对雅思一无所知的时候, 考官给我出的第一道题,就是这个——美丽的城市。我知道,我知道,很多同学在情急(惊慌失措 bewildered,紧张 uptight,害怕 terrified,歇斯底里hysteria)之下很难想出一些很独到的题材,那今天在推荐一个题材好喽。
Describe a beautiful city
You should say
Where it is
How you know it
What it is famous for
And explain why you think it is beautiful
The beautiful city that I want to talk about/recount is Innsbruck which is the capital city of, well, I couldn’t remember it clearly, but I guess it is located in the southwest of the country, about 3 hours drive to there from Vienna.
About 2 years ago, when I just finished my freshman year and all the examinations, during the summer vacation, my parents suggested us travel to Europe to relax/kill the time.
At that time, we went to some European cities like Brussels, Paris, Munich, and several Swiss cities like Zurich and Interlaken, some cities in Austria like Vienna and Innsbruck,among which the most impressive city was Innsbruck and it made me want to go there again.
当时呢,我们去了很多欧洲的国家比如说布鲁塞尔,巴黎,慕尼黑,和一些瑞士的国家比如苏黎世或因特拉肯(此处为说瞎话环节,可根据包袱轻重和演技好坏酌情删减),在这之中, 因斯布鲁克是最让我印象深刻的城市并让我想再去一次。
As for the reason why I think it was so beautiful is that:
Firstly, it’s because of the natural scenes which were so magnificent and it caught my breath every single time.
Around the city, there is the spectacular view of mountains which belong to the one of the most important mountain system namely Alps.
至于为什么我认为它美丽,首先,它的的自然景观每一次都能深深抓住我的呼吸, 城市旁边壮丽的雪山是欧洲最富盛名的阿尔卑斯山脉的一部分。
Besides, the architectures of Innsbruck has been well-preserved by the government, since when wandering in the old town, I felt like living in the 18 century of Europe, which was such an extraordinary experience.
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