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2017-07-13 14:39:22 编辑:无 浏览:(3002次)


托福听力conversation Part one--图书馆场景(library)


A.资料种类词汇(review评论, magazine杂志, periodical期刊,current issue现刊,back issue过刊,reference 参考书目, textbook 教科书, fiction 小说, encyclopedia 百科全书等)


B.相关动词词汇(borrow, return, check in, check out, renew 续借, recall 召回, pay the fine付罚金, reserve/book 预约, extend borrowing privilege 延长借书期, photocopy 复印等)




托福听力conversation Part two--学生和教授对话之一(paper)


假设当学生是因为不确定写什么而去找教授,教授肯定不会直接告诉学生写什么对吧,所以这时候教授可能就会开始引导学生,比如启发他某次课的内容,或者他学习这门课程的目的等进而让学生自己提出想写的paper话题。在此时,有可能会考"what is the subject/ title of the project?"或者因为教授在引导启发过程中会提到某些课堂中讲过的知识,那也有可能会出考题:"why does the professor mention XX?" or "what is XX"。在这种时候我们尤其要注意教授话语中的专有名词的definition或者重复的专有名词。


Student:  Um… the pre-operational stage?

Professor:  Exactly, if that's the case, her languages used to be maturing and her memory and imagination would be developed.

Student:  So she might play pretend like she can pretend when driving her toy car across a couch that the couch is actually a bridge or something.

Why does the student mention a child playing with a toy car?

To identify a behavior that would show a child's imagination developing

To identify a behavior that might illustrate egocentric thinking

To give an example of a behavior he has observed

To give an example of a behavior he would not need to describe

解析:本题当学生听到pre-operational stage这一专业词汇时就应该有警觉,注意接下来教授会不会有解释,如有则肯定为考点。本题选A。

假设学生不知道寻找什么资料,那会发生什么?对,可能教授会给他列一个大概书目,然后学生就回去library进而展开一段我们第一节课的对话内容啦student & librarian,或者让学生去Internet上搜索,或者通过做survey,questionare等其他形式搜集需要的材料。

好,到最后一类,教授听完学生的idea或者看完学生的preliminary outline,可能会提出一些建议比如:选题(scope/range)太广泛怕学生manage不了/ 让学生找更多的细节(detail)使之更加完整(例如数据等)/ 让学生在规定的日期(due/deadline)之前完成修改(revise/rewrite)。


Student:  Where can I find a child to observe?

Professor:  Ur, I suggest you contact the education department secretary. She has a list of contacts at various schools and with certain families who are somehow connected to the university. Sometimes they are willing to help out students with projects like yours.

托福听力conversation Part three--学生和教授对话之一(research project)

通常来说做一个research project是一个很花费时间和精力的事情,故学生通常会询问是否该项目对成绩/毕业/工作有帮助?如果是以小组为单位展开的project那组员之间出现分歧怎么解决?以及教授看完学生的project之后提出某些质疑。下面还是让我们一个一个来分析:

假如学生问我做这个project是否该项目对成绩/毕业/工作有帮助,教授可能会告诉学生这能帮助获得学分(credit),增加经验(exp.),获得一定金钱的回报甚至为学生提供推荐信(recommendation letter)等来激励学生等等,而这时题目的考法可能就是: "what is the advantage of XX?" or "why does the professor mention XX?"。


Student:  Can you give me an example?

Professor:  Well, en, if you observed a 4 year-old child, for example, my daughter is 4 years old; you might read up on cushy stage of cognitive development we covered those in class.

Student:  Aha…

Professor:  And most likely, what stage would a child of that age be in?

Student:  Um… the pre-operational stage?

Professor:  Exactly, if that's the case, her languages used to be maturing and her memory and imagination would be developed.

Why does the student mention a child playing with a toy car?

To identify a behavior that would show a child's imagination developing

To identify a behavior that might illustrate egocentric thinking

To give an example of a behavior he has observed

To give an example of a behavior he would not need to describe



托福听力conversation Part four--Faculty advisor生活导师

Faculty advisor这个话题我相信大家在国内可能并不常遇到,但是当各位出国留学了,作为"歪果仁",肯定会有一些迷茫困惑,无论是学习上(比如请假,换老师)的还是生活上(比如丢了门禁卡,和室友处不来)的,这时候就需要学生经常去找Faculty advisor 寻求帮助(assistance),这会使你的大学生活更加方便!


Student :  Hi, thanks for seeing me in such short notice.

Counselor :  No problem. How can I help?

Student :  Well, I think I might have made a mistake coming to the school.

Counselor :  What makes you say that?

Student :  I'm a little overwhelmed by the size of this place. I come from a small town. There were only 75 of us in my high school graduating class. Everyone knew everyone. We all grew up together.

Counselor :  So it's a bit of a culture shock for you? Being one of 15,000 students on a big campus in an unfamiliar city?

Student :  That's an understatement. I just can't get comfortable in class or in the dorms. You know, socially.

What do the speakers mainly discuss?

A.Why the woman has little in common with her roommates

B.How the woman can keep up in her academic studies

C.The woman's adjustment to life at the university

D.The woman's decision to transfer to another university


托福听力conversation Part five--others



买:buy / purchase

退:retreat / refund

Registrar's  office注册办公室


Career service office就业服务中心/ Counseling center咨询中心


Part-time jobs 兼职


Director of cafeteria食堂



Exams 考试


Campus activities 校内活动

Student Orientation新生情况介绍
