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2021-03-23 16:41:37 编辑:无 浏览:(252次)



  Q: What do you like to do in your spare time?

  A: My favourite leisure activity is shopping, because I love trying on new clothes and I always feel more confident when I’m wearing a new outfit.


  Q: How long have you worked there?

  A: I’ve worked there for three years, but I’m thinking about trying a different line of work next year.


  Q: Do you live in a flat or a house

  A: I live in a house with my two brothers and my mum. It's got three bedrooms, a huge living room and a spacious kitchen.

  无论考官问到什么内容,烤鸭都可以通过对比过去来拓展。问到喜好,你就说现在喜欢什么,但是其实我过去更爱什么。比如音乐,可以说过去喜欢country music , 现在更爱pop music. 不过,烤鸭要注意答案的时态问题!

  Q: Do you play sport?

  A: Yes, I do. I used to love basketball, but now I play football more because that’s what my friends are into.

  说完过去,当然也可以说到未来咯!人是会不断变化的嘛,就算我现在还是学生,我也总会毕业的一天。同样,烤鸭在运用这个拓展方法的时候也要注意时态,“will”“be + going to ”等等之类的将来时相关的词汇要学会灵活运用。

  Q: Do you work or are you a student?

  A: I’m at university at the moment, but I’m gonna graduate next year and hopefully I'll get a job in



  Q: Do you like your job?    A: Yes, I really love my job because I get to help people with their everyday problems. I always get a huge sense of fulfilment when my work is appreciated.


  Q: Is your hometown a nice place for tourists to visit?

  A: Well, yeah, we've got a nice beach, which is great for tourists, especially those from inland cities. However, I must mention that it's always overcrowded during weekends and holidays. It can be a real turnoff when you find there's no place to sit on the beach.


  这个点就不多说了,PART 1不用像PART 3那样解释太多,所以一个简短的例子反而对于烤鸭来更容易抖出来。

  Q: Do you get along well with your roommate?

  A: Unfortunately, no. We’re not into the same things, like when we are both watching TV we always fight about what show to watch.
