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雅思阅读在雅思备考中是很重要的一部分。有些烤鸭们在做判断题时会过度依赖五花八门的判断法则,似懂非懂的乱用通,到头来不仅判断题的正确率无法提高,还患上了疑心病,看哪道题都是似是而非的感觉。殊不知,雅思复习资料的题目要求就给大提供了,精华,的判断依据。烤鸭们在做判断题时定要谨记条原则:“切判断依据都来自原文,不可加入自己的主观想法”。到底怎么选出TRUE,FALSE和NOT GIVEN呢?我们从判断题的题目要求中找出实用的判断依据。
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
YES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer
NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this
从题目要求中我们可以看出,TRUE/YES和FALSE/NO的要求中都存在组关系,即statement(题干表述)和information(原文信息)之间的关系是相互吻合的(agree)还是相互抵触的(contradict),而NOT GIVEN则有两种no information(未提及)和impossible to say(摇摆不定)。这便是我们做雅思阅读判断题直接,实用的依据了。为了让烤鸭们能目了然的看懂并使用这依据,小编以图表的形式呈现如下:
题目:More than 320,000 tons of salmon were caught in Alaska in 2000.(C7-4-2)
原文:During 2000,commercial catches of pacific salmon in Alaska exceeded 320,000 tonnes,with an ex-vessel value of over$US260 million.
原文中的320,000 tonnes和题干中的320,000 tons是同义,more than替换了原文中的exceeded,再看原文的定位信息和题干的表述是相互支持的,所以选TRUE.
题目:Perkin was still young when he made the discovery that made him rich and famous.(C9-1-1)
原文:Not long after that,Perkin made the scientific breakthrough that would bring him both fame and fortune
这道雅思阅读判断题判断依据在于Perkin做出那个发现是不是young,根据原文我们可以看到关于时间的表达是not long after that,那么that指的是什么呢?根据原文可知That指的是Perkin成为助手,原文前面信息是Perkin 15岁进入royal college of chemistry,两年后成为Hofmann的助手,也就是17岁,那么便可推断出做出发现时,Perkins还是很young的。
题目:Industrial growth is increasing the overall demand for water.(C7-1-2)
原文:Although population,industrial output and economic productivity have continued to soar in developed nations,the rate at which people withdraw water from aquifers,rivers and alkes has slowed.And in a few parts of the world,demand has actually fallen.
题目:Perkin employed August Wilhelm Hofmann as his assistant.(C9-1-1)
原文:Perkin’s scientific gifts soon caught Hofmann’s attention and,within two years,he became Hofmann’s youngest assistant.
题目:Alaska’s fisheries are owned by some of the world’s largest companies.(C7-4-2)
此题的判断依据在于Alaska’s fisheries是不是被些大的公司所拥有,可用Alaska’s fisheries和world’s largest companies去定位,然后根据顺序原则,在上题以后,及下题之前都为出现相关信息,烤鸭们便可初步预判是选NG,但并不是百分之百就选NG,也可能出现乱序,烤鸭们可先将此题做个记号,往后读题,如果全篇都没有相关信息,则确定选NG
题目:Michael Faraday suggested Perkin should enrol in the Royal College of Chemistry.(C9-1-1)
原文:Those speeches fired the young chemist’s enthusiasm further,and he later went on to attend the Royal College of Chemistry,which he succeeded in entering in 1853,at the age of 15.
该题的判断依据在于Michael Faraday是否suggested Perkin去那上学,但雅思阅读原文并没有对此提供充足的证据,换言之,Michael Faraday有可能建议了也有可能没提供建议,双方左右摇摆,所以答案选NG.
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