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2023-08-22 16:50:47 编辑:无 浏览:(110次)


  题目:Charities and organizations always give special names to particular days such as “National Children's Day” and “National Non-smoking Day”. What are the causes of these

particular days? How effective are they?




  Rituals and festivals form an integral part of every human society. Apart from traditional festivals that are set to commemorate historical figures or inherit culture, some other festivals

are named by charities and have special significance. Personally, I believe the protection of disadvantaged groups and promotion of living conditions are the two reasons of establishing these festivals.

  First of all, the reason why charitable organizations set up festivals is to protect the interests of vulnerable groups to a certain extent. For example, the international Children's Day was

originally set up to fight against child abuse and poisoning, while currently the existence of this special day is more likely to protect children's rights of survival, health care, education and

custody, so as to guarantee children's well-being. Besides, apart from the preservation of vulnerable groups, the establishment of special festivals also aims to enhance the awareness and

living habits of general citizens. For example, National Non-smoking Day is set on 31 May every year, the next day of Children's Day, hoping that the next generation will be free from

tobacco hazards. It is widely accepted that tobacco dependence is a chronic disease, and the harm of tobacco is one of the most serious public health problems in the world. However,

there is still a large proportion of people who are addicted to smoking in the world, and the purpose of National Non-smoking Day is to let more people reach a consensus on the fact that

smoking adversely affects the health and that tobacco is a drug.

  The establishment of these festivals have had enormous positive impacts on individuals and society. First, the existence of special festivals has facilitated the enhancement of the life

of disadvantages groups. Even in this era when most of children have been able to get parents' care and refined education, children will also receive gifts and attention on Children's day,

and most parents will spare time to take their children to amusement parks or other places, which can promote the family relationship. This is very beneficial to their growth as even when

children grow up, Children's Day still left good memories in their hearts. Besides, the existence of festivals can promote personal health and social development. National Non-smoking

Day let more people know that tobacco can impair almost all organs of the human body, and smoking cessation can effectively prevent or delay the progress of smoking related diseases,

which contributes to a longer life expectancy. Furthermore, smoking cessation has significant economic benefits, which can greatly reduce the medical expenses and insurance costs caused by smoking.

  In conclusion, it seems to me that protecting vulnerable groups and improving personal health are two positive meanings of setting up these festivals.



  Ritual 仪式

  commemorate 用……纪念

  well-being 幸福感

  Hazards 危险

  Consensus 共识

  Chronic 慢性的

  refined education 高质量教育

  vulnerable groups/disadvantages groups 弱势群体

  smoking cessation 戒烟

  life expectancy 寿命