2021-03-27 16:00:57 编辑:无 浏览:(248次)
今天环球教育小编要和大家分享关于娱乐或生活方式问题的回答思路。例如:Do you think modern lifestyles give people enough time for leisure (or, entertainment)?这个话题是跟entertainment有关,同学们可以结合“口语雅思口语话题:What did you do for entertainment”,一起学习。
雅思口语话题:modern lifestyles 词汇:
as a matter of fact,事实上
time is killed by... ,时间被消磨在...
video clips,视频
雅思口语话题:modern lifestyles 表达方式:
先表明你的观点,你是赞同还是不赞同。此处我用definitely not,表达了不赞同的观点。大家平时可以用definitely not这个词语来表示否定。
用举例的方式细节化具体化你的语音,比如lile,such as....
So,you can say:
Well, definitely not .as a matter of fact, a lot of people feel their time is killed by the internet things like playing online games or watching video clips ,so that actually make them not have enough time for leisure activities like reading or spending some quality time with family and friends. It's actually not good because it makes people aloof to each other.
以上就是环球教育小编为大家带来的口语题目:Modern Lifestyles的答题要点。雅思口语在备考过程中需要多多练习,更需要找出自己的错误,加以改正。更多雅思考试口语备考技巧伙伴们可以关注环球教育雅思口语考试频道!
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