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应对雅思听力Section3的方法一、section 1和section 3的辨析
严格意义上来讲,section 1是一个conversation,而section 3是一个discussion。这两个部分的说话方式有着很大的区别。前者是一问一答,后者是互问互答。
Tom:Are you go to Australia?
Mary:yes but after taking the IELTS exam。
Tom:Are you go to Australia?
Mary:yes have you been there before?
Tom:No,but I read a few books and magazines about the country,Why do you want to go there?
通常情况下,雅思听力section 3的部分题目在卷面上会有人名或者是表示人身份的词出现,比如人名Jason、教授Professor。因此遇到此类题目时,考生较好用笔划出,明确此题目的说话人,这样才不会做错题目,才不会掉到考官给考生设置的陷阱里。
Cambridge 6 Test 1 Q21
What is Brian going to do before the cousre starts?
A attend a class
B write a report
C read a book
Tutor:Hello,Can I help you?
Brian:I was told to come here because I like to talk to someone about taking a management course。
Tutor:Right I am one of the tutors so I could help you。
Brian:Ok my name is Brian,I have decided to enroll a part-time management curse,A friend of mine took one last year,and recommended to me。
Brian:Is there anything I should do before the course,like reading or anything?
Tutor:We prefer to integrate reading with the course so we don’t give out reading list in advance but we like people to write a case study describing an organization they know。
Brian:I have already done that as my friend told me you wanted one。But would it be possible to sit around in teaching session to see what is like?I haven’t been a student for a quite while。
解析:本题的答案为A,在做这道题时首先要把Brian找出,确定在课程开始之前这个Brian要做什么,把人称定位好以后,在考生听题的时候,便要对录音中Brian这个男生多加注意,凡是女生说的话我们都可以不做答案的参考内容。因此在录音中提到的reading,case study便不会形成干扰,同样在Cambridge 5 Test 2 Secton 3和Test 4 Section 3,Cambridge7 Test 1 Section 3和Test 3 Section 3等剑桥题目中存在着相同的特点。
顾名思义,无人称定位是指在section 3中的卷面题目中没有指定的人称,通常是以两方或三方说话人讨论的主题点作为题目。应对此类题目的方法与做section 2和section 4的方法类似——先寻找关键词,然后根据所划关键词找到答案。但是在寻找答案的过程中老师提醒各位考生,要注意信息的确认与信息的对方更正。
Julie:We also need statistics on different things。
Trevor:Literacy rates
Julie:Yes school places
Trevor:How about the encyclopedia?
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