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考前预测丨2019年10月26日托福 全科预测

2019-10-25 09:56:40 编辑:无 浏览:(3099次)


Passage 1

Extended Family

开头段描述工业革命前是 extended family,工业革命后因为工作压力增大,转变为 nuclear family,更加符合当时的社会情况,然后后面几段说了这种小家庭单元的优 势,之后转折,专家认为正是因为工业革命,所以发展成为了 extended family,这 与刚开始的认为的情况相反,为了论证这一事实,举了一下数据的例子,比如人们 依然会花时间去维持家庭成员间的关系,当遇到生病啊等特殊情况,父母和家人永 远是最主要的依靠对象只要有联系,就依然可以从他们中得到精神上的支持。

Passage 2

Increasing population of jellyfish

文章讲到 jellyfish 的增长,一个原因是人们 over fish,抓了很多种动物,但其中很多种是jellyfish 的predators  或 competitor  举例:沙丁鱼是和水母吃同样的食物的,人们疯狂捕捞使得水母有更多食物开源)水母经常出现在营养丰富,含氧量低,靠近人类居住的地方。水母是看起来很脆弱,实际上可以适应很艰难环境的生物 水母有能力依附在轮船上,然后跟着轮船去新的栖息地

Passage 3

Species Extinction


最后提出新的理论在海底发现很多碘,超过正常的含量,猜测可能是有 asteroid 撞击地球,撞击地球会引起温度骤降、酸雨等情景,有一些证 据证明某些石头会呈现出特别的分裂情况在高压下,因为温度低改变某些石头会有 特殊形态,在某个地方发现了陨石坑,验证了撞击的理论。


Devastated = severely damaged Inherently = naturally Prolonged = extended

Boosting = increasing Unprecedented = never

before seen Permanent = constant Inadvertently = accidentally


Conversation 1


学生找图书管理员说他找的某篇论文的 link  打不开,老师说是外包的某些数据库停止提供期刊了。不过不是所有的都停了。学生目前在做一个关于乔治华盛顿如何当 选总统的作业,看如果有电视会对那次选举造成影响吗。随后学生问老师咋办?老师说 首先你可以去看图书馆别的书,学生说他没办法 track down,老师说:不还有我呢么。老师还说,你可以去别的图书馆查那个期刊。

Conversation 2


学生问教授会不会在考试中 cover 某本书,老师说不会。然后说了一个理论。就是人们总是喜欢更关注一些哺乳动物。

比如人们对熊猫的关注远大于某种濒危的青蛙。但是熊猫的话其实也没那么濒危, 都在动物园住的好好的呢。可是这些野外的青蛙改变这种观念,从而增加别的小动物的保护资金。

Lecture 1

天文: 月球磁场的形成

文章讲述了月球曾经存在磁场的原因,文中提到了 dynamo theory 理论来作为铺垫,所谓dynamo theory 是用来解释地球磁场的产生原理的。地核包含着大量的高温液态铁, 它在地球内部的涌动并伴随着地球的自转产生了电流,由此产生了磁场,磁场会让地球 上的岩石都被“印上”磁标记。

而令人吃惊的是月球若干年前采集回来的样本表明这些样本同样包含有磁印记,由此 科学家们猜测几种可能的原因,其一是 39 亿年前发生大碰撞的理论,即外来天体带来 了磁场;其二是和大碰撞无关,月球形成之初像地球一样有核, 由此和地球一样可以套 用 dynamo theory。随后科学家们从 trocto 这种来自月球的岩石样本身上看到了突破口来解决争议,并做了一系列实验来证明。

Lecture 2

艺术类:G.Segal 的雕塑

Segal 这个雕塑家喜欢用 plastic 来 wrap 真人,然后雕塑。就像人们骨折打石膏一样。甚至连衣服也要包进去。还喜欢搞个椅子啊啥的烘托雕塑显得逼真。Ironically,他的雕塑是 看不到情绪的,没有那种和 viewer 的互动。他的雕塑总是白色的,手指偶尔会有不同 的颜色来表达情绪。后来 Outdoor 雕塑被政府鼓励, 很多人都搞很大的雕塑在室外。Segal 不,他还是 1 比 1 还原真人,那怎么办呢?多几个人,让气势恢宏一点。

Lecture 3

地理:Fall line

Fall line 的定义是 elevation’s change. (有题) 这种 FL 也决定了人们的 settlement.在美国东海岸,就有很多FL,很多城市来举例,从 Georgia 到 New England. 还有从华盛顿 DC 到费城。

因为那时候主要靠 boats 来航运。后来就有了 canal 和 lock. 那么船可以开进内陆了。再后来有了河,人们有了汽车和火车,大家就在河上造 highway 继续运输。


1. Some people prefer to use electronic mail to communicate with their family and friends whereas others prefer to use the telephone. Which do you prefer and why? Please use examples and reasons to support your answer.

2. What is the biggest challenge for university students and why? Please include details and examples in your explanation.

3. There are many events at school, which were negative when we confronted initially, and got positive after we experienced. Please give an example of such an event and include specific details in your answer.

4. Do you agree or disagree it is easier to be an adult than to be a child?

5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Employees shouldn’t send personal text or emails during work hours. Explain why.

6. What do you think of the idea? Children should listen to or read news at an early age?

7. The university plans to allow people in the community to have free classes in college; however their academic performance in tests and assignments will not be counted, what’s your view on this?

8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of requiring students to evaluate their professors at the end of the semester? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

9. You are going to have an interview but the location is far from your place. Which do you prefer, travel the long distance to have the interview face-to-face or have the interview on the phone?

10. When meeting problems in daily life,some like to solve it in a serious way while others tend to deal with these setbacks in a


1.A government should spend money on all adults after 25-year-old

on a training course for the up-to-date skills. Do you think it is an effective payment for the government? Why or why not?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Competition among friends usually has a negative impact on friendship. Use details and examples to support your opinion. Use specific reasons and examples  to support your idea.

3.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Government is not doing enough work to educate people the importance of nutrition and healthy eating.

4.most important factor that affect the lasting time of friendship.

(1)help friends in need

(2)have same interests

(3)trust each other completely

Friendship as people view is a relationship which is full of joy, enjoying other‘s accompany and supporting for each other. Although it might be tough to maintain these friendships, with the common interests, people can help friendship thrive. To achieve a solid friendship, people have to share mutual interests.

5.Supervisor and teacher will make a group to do a project,and do you think it's more efficient  to work with anyone you wish for or to work with people who think and do things differently?

6.Agree or disagree: Your job has a greater effect on your overall happiness than social life does.

7.Do you agree that it needs to take risks or keep cautious and  careful  and take less risks for a person to finally reach success? Give reasons to explain your choice.

8.Do you agree or disagree? In the past, people were more friendly than they are today.

9.Which way do you think is the best for a student to make new friends?

A.Joining a sports team

B.Participating in community activities


10.Which is the most important thing for a country’s leader to assure the prosperity of the country:

(1)Creating more jobs for unemployed worker;

(2)Increasing agriculture and lowering the food price;

(3)Increasing access to affordable house.