2023-07-28 17:54:02 编辑:无 浏览:(128次)
社交媒体管理平台Hootsuite和数字营销机构 We are social 联合发布了年度数字报告,显示了去年一直在点击,滚动和搜索内容的时间。
当社交媒体已经渗入我们生活的方方面面,朋友圈和微博账号已经成为生活的一部分,我们表达自己性格,经历,自我,人格的平台。Donna Haraway曾经探讨过现代语境中人与机器相互交叉,互相影响,并且由此进一步重新定义了人类在现代科技生活中身份identity的边界。
A Cyborg Manifesto (赛博格宣言),We are amalgamations of complicated histories of violence, socialization, and the internalization of the oppression that surrounds us. A cyborg is a cybernetic organism, a hybrid of machine and organism, a creature of social reality as well as a creature of fiction. Social reality is lived social relations, our most important political construction, a world-changing fiction.(Haraway,1984)
这是一个Part 1 topic, 社交媒体,而今天老师呈现的其实也只是其中一个非常有趣的理论分支,所以对于问题的思考和边际的探索应该是没有止境的,而不应该局限于每天的柴米油盐酱醋茶,和朋友聊天,讨论学习,讨论旅行,因为无聊,因为有趣,因为朋友都用所以我也用.......... ---- 这个世界远比我们想的的复杂有趣。
最后,一些对于雅思口语Part 1 题目的一些思路例子:
1.How often do you use social media websites?
As a..... I don’t have enough/sufficient time to communicate on the internet all the time, but occasionally, I would use apps to contact my friends, which is comparatively more convenient.
Well, I can’t give an exact frequency, I'll just go directly to social media whenever I need to contact my friends and working associates. It has played an indispensable role in my daily life which I think can convey more information more efficiently.
2.Can you tell me the disadvantages about using these websites?
- waste time ~ occupy the time for which we must do such as our academic work or sleeping time
- we may be addicted to it
- it might have a lots of information which requires us to filter and judge for ourselves
- it may extend the distance between people
- it has information related to violence, pornography, or crime which might influence the teenager
- well, for teenager, if they spend large amount of time in these websites, it might influence/be harmful to their eyesight/vision
3.What are the advantages about spending too much time on social media?
+ reduce the sense of isolation in modern society
+ it can spread the information quickly/rapidly -- generate larger influence and interaction
+ it could broaden our horizon because we could accept lot of information and opinions
+ we can communicate with different people simultaneously 同时地, which enables a highly developed communicative scenario.
+ it’s a good way to relax = to let off some steam
+ we can acknowledge the foreign culture just at home
+during the process of social media immersing into our identity, we are destined to invest more effort and time to develop our social skills related to Internet and digital world
+ exceed the limitation between people, the space and the time
4. Do you think it is good to make friends online?
Because we can’t fully acknowledge the people online.
The nature would camouflage themselves and one can’t truly be aware of the authentic identity of a person through internet.
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