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2023-07-28 17:48:39 编辑:无 浏览:(104次)

Describe a beautiful sky saw

1、I have seen so many beautiful skies in my life. When I close my eyes and think about them, I would still be amazed by the amazing masterpieces of the nature. Well, today, I’d love to share a blue sky in Beijing a few days ago. Sky in Beijing is always far away and unreachable, which is totally different from the sky in my hometown. Also, there is never cloud in Beijing.


2、We know that in many cases, especially in winter, smoggy days are very common in Beijing and the sky is always grey. However, last Monday, it was a clear day. The sky was crystal blue, very unique. When I went outside and looked up as always, I was shocked for a second and I felt great immediately. I am the kind of person who is easily affected by weather. Therefore, on such a beautiful day, my mood is also beautiful, very simple happiness. It’s so far away from me, the sky I mean. Surely, no clouds as always. I was walking on the street while enjoying the freezing air and peaceful morning atmosphere. At that moment, I felt so calm and relieved. Winter in Beijing is not the best, but blue sky in Beijing is definitely the best, without any doubt.


3、I would sometimes ask myself why I remain in Beijing, a city that brings me stress and even illness from time to time. But, on that day, when I saw the blue sky, I realized that probably that’s the answer. There are good moments and bad moments. The good moment is the reason why I stay. Actually, there are advantages and disadvantages living in any city. A rare blue sky is what we need in Beijing and it’s because of its uncommonness that we would find it not that difficult to get up and work on a cold winter morning.