2021-06-07 16:19:30 编辑:无 浏览:(1385次)
I would love to talk about a time I went to buy a snack that wasextremely popular at that time. It’s a kind of pastry that hasdurian stuffing. Since I had never eaten durian at that time, Ibecame very curious about this pastry. I heard that the smell ofdurian is awful. That’s why I didn’t dare to try it. However, Ithought that the taste of a durian pastry would not be that strange.That’s why I made up my mind to try it. (第一次吃什么东西)
By the time I arrived at the pastry shop, there were already morethan thirty people standing in line out of the shop. I usually don’tlike to follow the trend. That time, however, I was in a good mood totry the pastry. When I walked to the end of the line, I saw a friendwho walked towards this direction. She saw me too and came to say hi.I asked her whether she also came here to buy the durian pastry. Shedenied and replied that she was buying some other pastries. I advisedher to buy some durian pastries. I told her that I heard the taste isreally good. She said she never tried durian before. I told her Ialso never ate durian but I heard this durian pastry tasted not toobad. I was very persuasive and she finally agreed. Honestly, to thinkabout it now, I really don’t understand why I suggested her to buythe pastry especially that I myself never even tried it. It wasweird. Luckily, it turned out to be a good advice. (排队,建议某人)
When we were waiting in line, we talked about other pastries thatwere sold in that shop. She told me she was a regular customer inthis shop and she recommended me many delicious cakes and bread inthat shop. We had a very interesting conversation about pastries andit was totally a most pleasant experience of waiting in line. (有趣的对话)
When it was our turn to buy pastries, I felt so excited and bought alot. I tried the durian pastry and it was so tasty that I almostscreamed. I am not exaggerating! I passed my friend a durian pastryand she also liked it. We found a table in that shop and orderedsomething to drink. We started to enjoy our afternoon tea time andate a lot of cakes on that day. She said if I didn’t recommend thisdurian pastry to her, she might never try it. I was also happy thatshe introduced me many other delicious cakes. (开心购物)
It was really an interesting and special shopping experience.
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