2020-04-10 09:42:54 编辑:无 浏览:(549次)
最近,总有同学问,英语学习有没有捷径?有没有窄门?其实,我一直觉得英语学习就像学禅(Zen)一样, 无处不修行,无处不道场。学习一门外语的过程是由无数个平台期(Plateaus),自我怀疑期,进步狂喜期,再次回到Nowhere 的一种状态与循环。英语为非母语的我们,虽然学了很多年,依然无法像中文一样思考,表达。即使是说或写一句很简单的句子,也依然会怀疑是否存在问题。这种纠结与不确定性(uncertainty)会伴随一生,除非你放弃外语学习。
Learning a new language is a lot like entering a new relationship. Some will become fast friends.
Others will hook their arms with calculus formulas and final-exam-worthy historical dates, and march right out of your memory on the last day of school.
And then sometimes, whether by mere chance or as a consequence of a lifelong odyssey, some languages will lead you to the brink of love.Those are the languages that will consume you – all of you – as you do everything to make them yours. You dissect syntax structures. You recite conjugations. You fill notebooks with rivers of new letters. You run your pen over their curves and cusps again and again, like you would trace your fingers over a lover’s face. The words bloom on paper.
我们如何来提高写作技巧?怎样短时间提高写作分数?5-7分到底有什么秘籍和大招?我个人觉得就是模仿,模仿考官的思路,句式结构,精准用词,Clear English。也就是说,考试的要求是标准,是第二境界,所以,能找到一本好的雅思写作范文书,实在是太重要了,它会带你飞跃语言的鸿沟,思维的贫瘠,最终将大家带到彼岸,珍珠交到你手上。
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