2021-03-29 17:24:36 编辑:无 浏览:(254次)
China’s food safety woes are well-known: Exposés have become all too common, especially after the 2008 scandal over melamine-tainted milk. From gutter oil to fake eggs to contaminated strawberries, the long list of food safety incidents in China means that domestic consumers are understandably worried about the food they can buy andeat. According to a Pew Global Attitudes survey, 71 percent of Chinese people considered food safety to be a big problem in 2015. Improving food safety in Chinais also important for international consumers because food and ingredients from China can be found on supermarket shelves all over the world.
中国的食品安全问题众所周知:新闻调查层出不穷,特别是在2008年三聚氰胺毒奶粉丑闻后。从地沟油、假鸡蛋到受污染草莓,一系列食品安全事件让中国国内消费者对他们所购买和食用的食品越发感到担忧。根据皮尤全球态度(Pew Global Attitudes Survey)的一项调查显示,71%的中国人将食品安全视为2015年的重大问题之一。提升中国的食品安全对于全球消费者而言也同样重要,因为世界各地的超市货架上随处可见来自于中国的食品和原料。
food safety食品安全
the long list of … 众多的……
food safety incident食品安全事件
domestic consumer国内消费者
international consumer全球消费者
supermarket shelves超市货架
melamine-tainted milk
gutter oil
fake eggs
contaminated strawberries
China’s food safety woes are well-known: Exposés have become all too common. From gutter oil to fake eggs to contaminated strawberries, the long list of food safety incidents in China means that domestic consumers are understandably worried about the food they can buy and eat.
Improving food safety in China is also important for international consumers because food and ingredients from China can be found on supermarket shelves all over the world.
Addressing food safety concerns can be seen part and parcel of China’s needed transition toward a consumer-oriented economy, which is even more imperative now that the country’s GDP growth is slowing from historic rates. Boosting consumer confidence is an essential piece of that puzzle for China—and by extension, a factor for global economic stability.
food safety 食品安全
part and parcel 重要组成部分
transition toward … 朝……转化
consumer-oriented economy消费驱动型经济
GDP growth GDP增长
consumer confidence消费者信心
by extension引申开来
global economic stability世界经济稳定
… is slowing from historic rate从历史高点回落
Addressing food safety concerns can be seen part and parcel of China’s needed transition toward a consumer-oriented economy.
Boosting consumer confidence is an essential piece of that puzzle for China—and by extension,a factor for global economic stability.
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